All Episodes

Displaying 121 - 126 of 126 in total

Party With a Purpose

God has designed us to experience the fullness of life. This is why every culture has celebrations, because God has wired us for joy! Even Jesus said the Kingdom of he...

The Courage to Keep Going

So often, when we begin the pursuit of a dream, we start out strong —  but a good beginning doesn’t guarantee a strong finish. This week, Pastor Andy Wood wraps up the...

The Courage to Slow Down

We live in a culture that is constantly wanting to speed up or go faster. Sometimes, we need courage to slow down. This week, Pastor Stacie Wood looks at three princip...

The Courage to Get Moving

Courage helps us take the steps that we’re timid about taking. This week, Pastor Andy Wood looks at three focuses of a courage that helps us move forward.

The Cause and Conditions for Courage

Vision Weekend

This week, Pastor Andy Wood shares the vision for Saddleback’s next 30 years and how we can be a part of it!